Rill the Bounty Hunter



The Big Story:

Rill was born into one of the most powerful houses of the Tapani Sector, House Pelagia. Pelagia had been one of the leading houses for many generations. Sprouting many Jedi from their ranks. House Pelagia were also staught supporters to the Antarian Rangers many Young Nobles Flooded their ranks. Then the Empire was born. The Republic was filled with corruption and on the verge of Collapse. House Pelagia supported Palpatine in the beginning, voting in support of his election to Chancellorship. Rill's house believed that Palpatine could restore the Republic to its former glory. However as time passed and the Clone Wars Pressed on, House Pelagia grew less supportive as Palpatine's true nature was revieled. Other Rival houses in the Tapani Sector, such as House Mecetti and Melantha, begain gaining more Imperial Favor. Upon the announcment of the Jedi Rebellion things grew dark for Rill's family. House Pelagia were staunt supporters of the Jedi Order. House Mecetti was on the leading front to drive out the enemies of the Empire. However as time progressed it became more aparent that House Mecetti drove more of its own enemies out than that of the Empire. House Mecetti brought the Jedi Inquisitors to Tapani. Using its spynet resources it helped ferret out the Jedi Members of House Pelagia. This left Rill's Families once great House in shambles. Next came the Empire's Governers. Mecetti again supported this New Order and the Governers rule of fear. In an attempt to help stomp out the enemies of the Empire, House Mecetti immediatly moved against House Pelagia rendering the once mighty house nearly impotent. Several worlds were taken from Pelagia and acquired by its neighboring House Caliph. In the process of the pruges House Mecetti established a lock on the Tapani Sector Capital, Procopia and began to rule the Tapani Sector.

Rill's Human Story:

Rill grew up during these turblent times. She held family members who had gone off and trained to become Jedi. Rill herself held some Force Sensativness. She was but a young child when the Empire took over. Her family pooled all their wealth into undisclosed accounts in an attempt to save what they could. House Mecceti Assasians were always on the lookout for anyone with ties to the Jedi Order. Often calling them as traitors and potential rebels against the Empire. When Rill was 18 her family came under attack by Mecceti guards. Her entire family had been killed. The House Guard Gurney Halack managed to save Rill from a similar fate. He grabbed onto her and pulled her to saftly as her families speeder crashed after repeated attacks from the Mecceti. Gurney killed the would be assasians and took Rill's broken body into the freeworlds region to a Mrissli college. Here she rested in the hospitals. Rill's body was severly broken and could not be repaired. She would remain on life support for the rest of her life. If not for her weak connection to the Force. Rill would have surely died. The Force aided her in her survival and would continue to do so until her rebirth.

Rill's Rebirth Story:

Gurney had to work to keep Rill's existance a secret. He believed that if he kept her alive then he would still be keeping House Pelagia alive. He made deals with organizations like Black Sun to have Rill's body transported and moved, keeping it in a secure and safe environment. It was in his dealings with Black Sun that Gurney learned of Dr Simonelle. As payment for protection over Rill, Gurney was asked to do some thug work for Black Sun. He helped steal secret plans from the Rebel Alliance titled Project Decoy. Gurney broke regulation and looked into Project Decoy. The Rebel Alliance was developing a Human Replica Droid Project which the droids were completly unmistakenable with normal Humans. Not even sensors would detect the diffrence. The plan was to replace Palpatine, Vader, and the Governers thus reclaiming the Republic. Gurney was a bit sadden to discover that after he stole the plans they held such a noble plan. However his loayalties were to Rill and House Palegia above all else. He delivered the plans to Prince Xisor and then on to Dr Simonelle. Dr Simonelle would construct a Human Replica Droid known as Guri. Gurney spoke to Dr Simonelle about the possibilty of using this technology to take Rill and bring her back to life. He had heard stories of General Grevious being a living being placed inside a Droid's body. He wanted to know if the good doctor could do the same for Rill. For despite being alive she was stuck on life support and could not live a normal life. Dr Simonelle agreeded to help. However to Gurney's shock he soon learned that Dr Simonelle had died in a terrible accident. But little did he know that it was no accident and he did not quite die. Guri returned to Dr Simonelle's labs and attempted to kill him and destroy all evidence of the Human Replica Droid Project. Xisor wanted Guri to be one of a kind. However Dr Simonelle suspected a potential plot and created a Replica Droid of himself. Taking a copy of the plans he went into hiding. He had watched Guri destroy his own replica droid as well as many of the samples he was working on. He watched his Prototype body for Rill go up in smoke as well. Dr Simonelle stayed hidden for many years. It was not until Black Sun was destroyed by Luke Skywalker on Coruscant that Dr Simonelle return from the shadow. He believed that Xisor and Guri were dead and there was nothing more to hide from. Little did Dr Simonelle know that Guri survived the events that unfolded on Coruscant. Dr Simonelle approached Gurney and asked if Rill was still alive. During his years in hiding he developed a Human Replica Droid that would work with a Droid Hybrid Cyborgnetic system. Thus allowing them to take what remained of Rill and surgically seperate her organs and central nervous system from her existing broken human body and place it inside a Human Replica Droid Body. Spending the last of the credits saved up by House Palegia Rill's new Body was built and she regained a semblence of life. However now locked inside of a largly robotic shell most all of her Force connection was lost. Rill retained a slight Danger Sense, otherwise she is too weak in the Force to ever be fully trained.


Now Rill had returned to be amoung the living. She was a stronger, faster being than most humans. Able to do things that amazed Gurney. She could run faster than anyone, Jump higher, she had enhansed strength. She even stopped aging. Dr Simonelle had added many advancments to help protect Rill. Rumor's of Guri surviving plauged him to be cautious. He feared that Guri would discover Rill and attempt to destroy her so that she remained the only Human Replica Droid. However unlike Guri, Rill was not a droid, at least not really. She was a cyborg. Only under a surgeons knife could anyone tell that she was not human. Restored, Rill wanted to get some semblence of Revenge agaisnt House Mecceti for placing her for many years into a bedridden state. Rill had attended some of the best schools in the galaxy as a Nobel's daughter. Still getting use to her new Human Replica Droid, robotic body, she began training. However this time her school schedule was primarily those of weapons, combat, and tactics. Rill wanted to make House Mecceti pay for what they did to her. Gurney quickly became disillusioned with Rill's new path. Often wondering had he done the right thing by keeping her alive for so long. For while Rill lay in bed her mind was active and filled with anger. Gurney did not like the path Rill was beginning to follow. He did not agree with stooping to House Mecceti's level and train to become an assasin. In the end he left and allowed Rill to follow her own path. A path he could not share with her. He only hoped that she could recover her old life and end her lust for revenge. Now fully trained in the arts of combat Rill returned to the Tapani Sector. So many years had passed since the attack. It was now after the events at Endor. Many of those who were responsible had died or were no longer in any seat of power. Those few that remained Rill began to take her revenge out on. She was becomming so effective at what she did that the Mistryl Shadow Guards, an elite group of Bodyguards wanted to hire her services. However Rill was not a daughter of Emberline and refused the offer. After a few short years of revenge and all those who were responsible for the death of her family were gone, Rill found herself empty inside.

A new beginning:

Once all was over and Rill had no one left to kill she was not full. She was empty inside. She realized she had pushed all those she loved away. She so desperitly wanted to find Gurney again and hear his fathering voice. She regretted what she did and who she had become. Rill began a search for Gurney. He would be getting up there in age by now. But she hoped he was still alive. She spent many years searching. She eventually joined the Bounty Hunter's Guild hoping that the Guilds Resources might aid her in her search. Rill is still haunted by what she has become and strives to become a better person. She is trying to find a new life. One where she belongs and has a family of friends she can count on.