Zara Ty-Tallis & Kam Tallis

Flight Officer Zara Ty-Tallis & Chief Warrant Officer Kam Tallis
Zara, from a family known to produce Jedi during the Old Republic days, was a very good starfighter pilot trainee. When it became obvious that she was using the Force in flight, her parents insisted she go to Luke's new Jedi Academy. This did not work out & after a frustrating year of trying to use the Force well outside a cockpit, Zara defied her family & returned to flying. She was assigned to the Golden Sabers, one of several squadrons whose pilots were all Jedi, to her dismay--but it is actually working out quite well.
She quickly became friends with the Sabers' lead shield & computer tech, Kam Tallis, an easy-going non-Force-sensitive. As often happens in times of war & unrest, Kam & Zara fell in love. They were married about 2 months ago.


Isn't that Daniel and Catherine Falconer? Sure looks like it to me... <wink /> <wink />
