Member since: 2008Hello everybody!
Here's my new request :
Celia Rotudila is a zelosian scout. She is 25 years old. She left her native planet (Zelos II) to live the adventure and to discover other forms of vegetable life. She joined a group of smugglers who are unaware of his origins.
Physical description:
She is clear, pale, almost white skinned. Her eyes are green emerald. She has an athletic and slender physique. Celia has slightly pointed ears. Her black hair has reflections blue-green.
Clothing/ Equipment:
She has a double sack which contains plants collected during recent forwardings.
With Her belt, a gourd and various bottles (containing medicinal preparations) are hung. She uses a stick wood some as only weapon. Her equipment includes a small lamp, as her never leaves. Appreciating the light, she is slightly dressed. She has nevertheless boots and the clothing adapted to forwardings of exploration.
Celia knows the plants and their virtues. She can prepare ointments, remedies and poisons. Celia can also identify the edible plants. She often looks after her companions wounded at the time of a combat. In nature, she can recognize the traces of passage left on the vegetation. Like all Zelosians, she has extraordinary reflexes. These qualities make of her an excellent guide in forest. She fears the dryness however and must be regularly hydrated. She has a gourd to this end. She has also material to filter or purify water. She is also equipped with various apparatuses to light because she fears the darkness.
Other informations :
Zelosians were Near-Humans outwardly identical to Humans, but all had emerald green eyes and liquid chlorophyll instead of blood. To Zelosians, sugar had the effect that alcohol had on Humans. Zelosians were absolutely blind in the dark, which meant that they stayed indoors after sunset and held many superstitions about the night. Although well-known galaxy-wide as skilled horticulturalists, few realized the Zelosians were not Humans.
Greetings from Belgium and sorry for my english. ;)
I LOVE Zelosians!!! And i really love how you integrated theit plant-like nature into the request!
Thank you BWA!
I hope someone else will agree with us and take this request.
Yep! ;-)
Thank you so much Hisham.
I like the pose. Very nice work.
Glad you liked it, Derf.