Monsters In which Jak and the galaxy's best-dressed Rakghoul have a discussion. Xanamiar But it takes a Gungan to lose an eye too. Asok Whoa, I love the style here! Boshuda Lord Cygnus The style is grand indeed and Jak met someone that makes her feel small is an unusual encounter to say the least. Casca1967 Mighty fancy duds epic stuff Mercy I love the feeling of 'a moment captured' that your pictures have, Tussy! Round of applause!! Tusserk Member since: 2009 Location Australia Tags Alien Shistavanen Rakghoul Nekghoul Jak Lokhin More from Tusserk
Lord Cygnus The style is grand indeed and Jak met someone that makes her feel small is an unusual encounter to say the least.
But it takes a Gungan to lose an eye too.
Whoa, I love the style here!
The style is grand indeed and Jak met someone that makes her feel small is an unusual encounter to say the least.
Mighty fancy duds epic stuff
I love the feeling of 'a moment captured' that your pictures have, Tussy! Round of applause!!