Overseer Kalis of the Xen'Chi
The weapon depicted might also be referred to as a 'gafi stick' in certain parts of the galaxy, particularly the Outer Rim. It is a formidable weapon -- especially when wielded by Overseer Kalis (also shown in picture). ;-)
Overseer Kalis of the Xen'Chi -- requested by Darth_Kuangduk via the boards.
(Notes: I wanted a strong, heroically proportioned figure for this, but one that was still 'womanly' in a classic sort of way. I imagined she'll need that layer of fat to power those muscles, and I also wanted to suggest some fullness of age since she's already an 'overseer'. Worked in the red splatter things in the background to suggest her volcanic homeworld. Had to be very careful with the tattoos as I didn't want them to drown the figure itself. There's some vague attempt at compositional niceties going on with the whole picture as well. Enjoyed all this immensely.
Medium: Digital Paint (Corel Painter)
I know this one is older, but omg! Everything on here is just fantastic!!