Selkath Sith Lord
A Selkath Sith Lord roars out her deadly, hate-filled Force Wave.
From the original request by Lord Crumb:
"...Once on Ruusan, Sharshea let her fury and power flow as she took to the battlefield. She would go on to kill many Jedi during the battle and die at its climax."
If anyone wants it, I've uploaded a larger version at 880 x 550 px.
- Gith
That looks completely awesome Ghost.
Wow. Very "Call of Cthulhu." I like it.
Great job! I really like the way it turned out.
Awesome man!
Please keep it up!
Definately top-knotch. Well done.
My reactions can be summed up by the comments above. Only MORESO. ;)
My original reaction can be summed up best by a loud scream, of evil rushing down my spine. Because dang he looks scary...
I'm so happy to see you posting again. I effing love your work. Definitely something to aspire to. Great job!
Great job with this one. The lighting is superb.