A venturer's life insurance
No, that's not what Santa brougth me ;)
I'll be a guest player in a friends game next year, playing a Rodian venturer named Kelko.
So I decided to draw his combat gear instead of him for change.
- His blast vest is made by the Czerka Coporation as you can see on the little emblem.
- For close combat he uses a simple combat knife.
- And he bears a "23-D blaster pistol", I modeled after the real existing Borchardt pistol.
Maybe more artwork is following after the adventure.
Happy holidays!
Good work!
Thanks :)
How did I miss this? Great stuff, man! I had never really thought about posting pics of gear, but now...it makes perfect sense! I mean, we're meant to be primarily providing resource material for gamers, right? Awesome!