Maalaryon, a dark jedi The Dark Jedi known as Maalaryon was a commander in the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the Reft Sector. - Reference notes: Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII jacket, Assassin's Creed main character tunic. Lal-Khan That is freaking awesome. Bravo. Lord Crumb "I feel the Dark Side calling to me." The shadows surrounding the figure give you a true sense that He or She has embraced the Dark Side. A most excellent pic. -LC :-) dredwulf60 Amazing work my friend! Lorsic Failed Jedi Evil incarnate, I really like that the Jedi is faceless makes it even more fearful. stevecriado Member since: 2007 Location Youngstown, Oh, US Tags Portrait Alien Jedi Character More from stevecriado
Lord Crumb "I feel the Dark Side calling to me." The shadows surrounding the figure give you a true sense that He or She has embraced the Dark Side. A most excellent pic. -LC :-)
Lorsic Failed Jedi Evil incarnate, I really like that the Jedi is faceless makes it even more fearful.
That is freaking awesome. Bravo.
"I feel the Dark Side calling to me."
The shadows surrounding the figure give you a true sense that He or She has embraced the Dark Side. A most excellent pic.
-LC :-)
Amazing work my friend!
Evil incarnate, I really like that the Jedi is faceless makes it even more fearful.