
Second request (to go with Ta'ena) from LAKilroy32;

"Atramilitis, a Togrutan Sith. He is short and skinny. Atramilitis has dark red skin with normal white patterns on his face, lekku and montral the white patterns of skin have been accentuated by tatooing of dark red and black. He will be wearing just a normal brown tunic and dark brown pants and boots. Most of which will be covered by a loose fitting black cloak similar to what the sith of Episodes 1 - 3 wore. I'm hoping that the hood of the cloak can shade a lot of his face while having lekku and montral exposed. If at all possible I would like him to be drawn while shooting Force Lightning."

Blog HERE.
Wikia HERE.

Lord Crumb

Love the lightning effect. The dark color makes you feel as if the Dark Side is consuming you. Kewl!

-LC :-)


Sweet Mercy! I like the texture of the Togruta's head tails. They look really detailed. Kinda reminds me of Mainyu, just switch the heads :P anyway... Keep up the great work!


cool Mercy! I love his dark Togruta expression. I agree with mev186 he does remind me a bit of Mainyu
In case your wondering i'm Rozali (call me Roz) and I joined just this morning ( 6/13) This is a fantastic web and i've been eager and anxious to meet you all. Good JOb mercy!



Hi Roz, got your PM - thanks again!
Do you post along with Mainyu, Triss and Setie? I mean to keep reading their adventures but somehow never have the time!!


I know abit about them I like Trisskar the best though because she falls in love with Sadik ( I loved your drawing of him by the way). I like romance stories. But what I hate about romance is they both end up breaking up or killing one another. Im not as good as drawing then you but I still practice. Thats why I sent up a Request with one of my old characters. Zik Laarrzaa.



Member since: 2007