Han and Chewie Just a little something I did for my blog that I thought you all might enjoy. :) Judas Holy JEEZ! This made me laugh so hard. This has got to be the COOLEST Han & Chewie pic I've ever seen! EVER!!!! Wonderduck Surely not EVER but thanks :) Xanamiar Kind of has that Calvin and Hobbes feel to it.... Wonderduck I take that as a complement :D Judas I was thinkin' more "Invader Zim", myself. ;) Xanamiar I can see that as the art style.. I was just thinking the little kid with the big furry friend. :) Eclipse I really enjoyed this. Featured. Wonderduck Thank you :D Lord Crumb "You just had to take the last cookie didn't you Chewie!" screamed Han as he and Chewbacca ran around the room with angery fellow pre-schoolers chasing them. Wonderduck LOL Wonderduck Member since: 2014 Location Canada Tags Han Chewie More from Wonderduck
Judas Holy JEEZ! This made me laugh so hard. This has got to be the COOLEST Han & Chewie pic I've ever seen! EVER!!!!
Xanamiar I can see that as the art style.. I was just thinking the little kid with the big furry friend. :)
Lord Crumb "You just had to take the last cookie didn't you Chewie!" screamed Han as he and Chewbacca ran around the room with angery fellow pre-schoolers chasing them.
Holy JEEZ! This made me laugh so hard. This has got to be the COOLEST Han & Chewie pic I've ever seen! EVER!!!!
Surely not EVER but thanks :)
Kind of has that Calvin and Hobbes feel to it....
I take that as a complement :D
I was thinkin' more "Invader Zim", myself. ;)
I can see that as the art style.. I was just thinking the little kid with the big furry friend. :)
I really enjoyed this. Featured.
Thank you :D
"You just had to take the last cookie didn't you Chewie!" screamed Han as he and Chewbacca ran around the room with angery fellow pre-schoolers chasing them.