High Inquisitor Tansek Farshifter
High Inquisitor Tansek Farshifter, a character who appeared in our most recent session.
He's a Barabel, but nobody in our group is overly fond of the way Barabels are typically portrayed (most particularly with that little human nose thing they often have going on...) so I was given a bit of creative license with Farshifter's portrayal.
He's not a nice guy.
I really like this one, Tuss. Personally, I've never liked the "official" portrayals of Barabels, either, largely because I felt their faces were too squished, too human-like. This looks decidedly more reptilian and animal-like, and I love it.
Links removed because the spam filter apparently doesn't like me, but I shall have vengeance. And maybe beer. Beer and vengeance.
Excellent work love the use of color. :)
"Creation is a Gift... Use it well."
Kia kaha
Whoa, that's expletive awesome!
Oh, dude! This is great!!
I'm getting really tired of your work Tuss.....
Tired, that is, of thinking up new words to describe how awesome they are!
Thats one High Inquisitor I wouldn't want to be running into.
Also nice to see overall that there's a few more Non-humans in the Empire's ranks other than just Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Core to the Quad baby!!!
If your going to complement me, don't tell me my work is neat, cool or awesome. If you really like it, tell me why you like it and what you like about it. Only then I'll take it as a complement.
It looks more like a WoW character.
You must have pretty good resumes.