Ja'eeth Va'lor: short order cook, and Mando demolitons expert

This piece here was a request by muuratekal for her female Mandalorian short order cook/demolitions expert; a rather interesting combination of skills, if I do say so myself, and what really drew me to the character, aside from my love of drawing beautiful women. This was my most challenging piece to date because it entailed drawing, not one image, but two completely different pieces and then merging them together to show both sides of her as both a cook and in full armor on the battlefield. I could have done one or the other, but that wouldn't have really have done the character justice. I really needed to show both sides of her.

Here is the bio text given in the request thread (http://www.swagonline.net/node/3190):

Ja'eeth is adopted Mandalo'ade. A few years back, she separated from her adopted brother Rhakeen in order to find herself work. She took up the job of a short order cook on Corellia, and found herself working for a rather bad boss.

MEDIA: Pencil, pen & ink, and Adobe Photoshop.


Member since: 2007
Buffalo, NY, United States