Jurin, Y-Wing pilot A Duros character I created for fun. Jurin Gargan, Duros rebel and Y-Wing pilot accompanied by his trusty droid R5-C9. Lord Crumb Great job! Conquistador Thank you :D Braltika Lovely detail, I like the dull greys, it works great. dredwulf60 Duros are one of my favourite Star Wars species. Great to see another cool representation. The consummate space travellers. Conquistador Member since: 2012 Location Munich, Germany Tags duros Pilot Y-wing Droid More from Conquistador
dredwulf60 Duros are one of my favourite Star Wars species. Great to see another cool representation. The consummate space travellers.
Great job!
Thank you :D
Lovely detail, I like the dull greys, it works great.
Duros are one of my favourite Star Wars species. Great to see another cool representation. The consummate space travellers.