Kha'hrrun, Togorian Pathfinder

(for 1680x1050 sized version, view at my DeviantArt

Meet Kha'hrrun, my new rpg character I'll be playing in a Blackhawk style rpg game I've just been invited into. Her species is Togorian, a digitigrade bipedal felenoid species, standing in at 1.8m height, roughly 85kg. Females are about average human height, while the males can reach up to 3m in height. ( - Wookieepedia Entry - Togorian Species )

Kha'hrrun's a New Republic pathfinder. Pathfinders are crucial, inserting themselves in small numbers into enemy terrain well in advance of the main mission, mapping out the terrain, scouting out enemy emplacements and force strength; and every other aspect of vital reconnaissance. Pathfinders are decent fighters as needed, and could take out small encampments however they're not a group large enough to take and hold out before adequate reinforcements arrive.

- Little Dragon's Furrette 2.3 and clothing used, with my own custom clothing shaders, and Carrara's Dynamic Hair. (Furrette's my most favorite model to work with)
- Porsimo's E-binocs & case
- Panko's Stealth Guardian freebie
- Dodger's Rebel BlasTech DH17 Carbine
- JHoagland's Imperial Shuttle, AT-AT, and AT-ST
- Beret freebie - unknown
- Rebel Crest - sw font, text beveled in carrara.
- DAZ - backpack and canteen, impact rock set,
- Carrara - dynamic hair, terrain, dust, shadows, atmospherics, dof, etc.

No postwork save signature.

Thankyou for viewing. Comments, opinions, critique always appreciated. Have a great and adventurous Sunday!

Lord Crumb

Great pic here. The foreground and background are awesome as well the detail on the Togorian.

-LCT :-)



Its been a fun picture to put together in a render. I'm not sure what all is going to happen in turn of events for the game, but hopefully it'll be a blast :)

Core to the Quad baby!!!

If your going to complement me, don't tell me my work is neat, cool or awesome. If you really like it, tell me why you like it and what you like about it. Only then I'll take it as a complement.


A classic piece. I really like the whole WWII/Rambo-vibe of the picture. The hat reminds me of Col. Trautman and an old PC-game about a WWII commando team... I forget the name though.

The small details like the Rebel insignia and the DH-17 blaster really makes for an interesting piece of artwork.


Thanks! I'm glad you liked the piece. Funny thing is, partway through working on the scene, the G.I.Joe cartoon theme somehow got stuck in my head. I never thought of WWII & Rambo, but good point there. ;)

The hat's called a Beret actually ;)

I try to add in little details like that when possible. Sometimes it can be tricky when doing a large scene with many figures (landscape terrain, 9 ATAT's, 12 ATST's, 1 Lambda, 12 TieBombers, 1 main character + clothing and her props). Then taking into account effects like engine glow, dust clouds, camera depth of field, light and shadow, anti-aliasing with high pixel precision render quality (to remove the jagged pixelation on the edges) really chews up system resources. The program is still 32bit, so it can only access shy of 4gb of my 8gb in resources. I add what I can to make the scene look good, though if & when I hit that virtual brick wall and the render errors midway through telling me its out of memory, then I have to cut back.

If you like this piece, you might like a couple more pieces I have partially started and need to complete. They'll be the ones with more Berets in them.

Core to the Quad baby!!!

If your going to complement me, don't tell me my work is neat, cool or awesome. If you really like it, tell me why you like it and what you like about it. Only then I'll take it as a complement.