Norr Kas'lar

Most think of Bounty Hunters as the scum of the galaxy. Not so with Norr Kas'lar.

From the original request:

"Norr has begun to get a reputation to be a most humane bounty hunter. Once his target is captured, he attempts them to make them comfortable in their transit to the issuer. Norr is not rough or rude. He provides a comfortable cell, running water and clean linens."

A request for VadersGlove. Enjoy!


This is AMAZING! The perfect new wallpaper for my new laptop! Thank you so much Evan, you did an amazing job.


I love it, absolutely flawless! The ship is good, the weapon's good, the bothan's good... what a great addition!



Damn, Man! This is wicked-cool!
I love what you've done with is hair, it looks alive! And his eyes are kind - not your everyday bounty-hunter at all.

Love your work.
~ Mercy.


I think "flawless" is the perfect description of this. The colors on the gun, the ship, and his face and hair look totally stunning, he really looks like a "proper" Bothan. Great job!

Man, how do you create these stunning textures?! They're probably my favorite part of your style, they look really brilliant. You're working with Photoshop, or with Corel Painter?

Evan Black

Photoshop. I'm heavy on texture filters (and others) and they play an important part in my pictures, but they're only half the story. That hair was all done by hand.


Absolutly truthfully amazing!

His eyes even look almost filled with a certain tranquillity, he rests with ease, no regrets and such.

This you captured completly with an elegance that outshines many others, great job!


//Shadows are but the shape of light...


Yeah, I didn't think you used textures for the hair in the first place. And still it's one of the best parts of this artwork.

As for the texture filters... are you talking third-party filters, or do you create textures and pattern for yourself? I dunno if you saw my coloring work or not, but I always like to improve and getting an insight into how other people do their colorings should help that.

Oh, and do you work with a Wacom, too? I have a half-letter sized Volito2, way too small, and I'm fixing to get a bigger Intuous2.

Evan Black

No wacom, unfortunately. Pure mouse work. And it's just the standard textures and filters that come with Photoshop.

Evan Black

Member since: 2007
Logan, Utah, United States