
So, this is Sniper Corperal Steady. Being that I'm still learning to draw clones, any tips, contructive crisizem would be most welcome!  Most of my Star Wars art work is actaully made up of clone troopers, I find them facinating to draw and bring up strories behind. This guy in particular I'm still developing as a charactor.


Hello Kasni, Welcome to SWAG.

I'm Xanamiar one of the Admins.   I edited your picture a little bit just to make it more presentable.  I hope you don't mind.  If you notice, it makes your artwork more of the center, rather than your notebook :)  That's my first tip, always make your artwork the focal point.

I hope you enjoy SWAG.  We have a great community here.


Hey Xanamiar! Thank you! Ah yes, that is very ok! I seem ot have that problem of wanting the whole picture in even though the rest is blank! *facepalm* Very good advice :)

I'm looking forward to getting to know folks here and learning.

Lord Cygnus

Welcome to our SWAG family Kasni,

Nice first posting and I am looking forward to seeing more of your work here.


~Lord Cygnus