Member since: 2007This is the latest in my series of clearing the backlog in the Requests Forum.
From OmaYksilo;
"Omapainen Yksilo, called Oma for short is a smuggler turn Jedi from Kiffu.
Oma has had it rough as we grew up after spending time on Kessel before freeing himself. He spent a number of years as a smuggler aboard his ship, the Lucky Strike. He eventually met a Jedi and went on to learn the ways of the Force. He is well known for his roguish persona coupled with compassion for others.
The sort of background that would be ideal for him would be a hanger bay or near a ship. He has a fond affection for the Lucky Strike, a Delaya-class transport.
Personal features - I'd like to have longish black hair. Something along the lines of Quilan Vos or Jack Sparrow. That sort. I would also like a black goatee, maybe a bit of stubble along the cheeks to give it that roguish affect.
It would also be looking for facial tattoo's to show his Kiffar heritage. What they are like is up to whomever takes this on. Nothing that totally takes over the face. Perferably a blueish colour (as opposed to the yellow used by Vos).
As towards his general appearance, despite been a Jedi he still sticks to his own attire. A dark flight jacket with a white t-shirt and dark bottoms. Maybe have a few signs of wear from overuse. If someone has an idea of a hybrid smuggler/Jedi attire I would be interested in what they have to say.
He would have a belt with a latch for a lightsaber on his right hip and a holster for his blaster on his left tigh. This would be coupled with high black boots. Lightsaber would be held in his left hand and would be a dark-blue blade."
I don't know what I'm gonna end up doing as a background, but I'll try and get the 'Lucky Strike' logo in if I can.
Hopefully it hasn't been so long that the requester doesn't get back to me...
~ Mercy
I liked this effect so much I thought I would load it up for you all before progressing on with it. It kinda reminds me of chalk and charcoal.
"Omapäinen yksilö"? As in "stubborn individual"? :P
And as far as the art goes, Mercy, good work. As usual. Seriously, shouldn't you make some bad-looking artwork, just for variation? Because this perfectionism of yours is really getting annoying. :)
"Cut to the cheese already!"
Seriously awesome effect Mercy... Makes him look totally evil.. :) ...
Very cool, but we expect nothing else from you. :>
That looks very, very nice - as always!
Oh, is that what the name means?! Thanks Jace!
I'm glad you all like it so much, I think it's shaping up to be my new favorite!
I'll post more when it's a little further along...
This may be about done. I'm quite pleased with the 'Lucky Strike' icon - I don't know if you can see it now but it does read 'Made in Kiffar' in place of the usual 'Made in U.S.A.'
I thought it was a little cheeky...
Very nice work Mercy he looks great.
Love the expression on his face and the intensity of his stance speaks volumes. He's a cocky bloke and to quoute Wolverine "The best at what he does."
-LC :-)
Mercy, that is a seriously awesome picture. I really envy the way you can capture movement and get so much expression into people's body language.
Have you ever tried shading skin using purple? Random observation, I know, but it just occurred to me that if you shaded the dark bit below his near elbow with a dark, somewhat desaturated purple on a low opacity (like, 10-15%) you could get some really strong contrast in there. Also, I find shading skin in purple fun and like to spread the funs! :D
Cheers guys!
Nerulan, no I haven't tried purple yet, I mostly use blues in my shadows, as it lends it a colder edge that seems to compliment the darker tone. Plus it contrasts well with skin-tone.
I will definitely try it, though! (I like Funs!)
Well, if I don't hear back from the original requester; OmaYksilo, in a week or so I will just post it to gallery and call it done. I'm quite pleased with it, myself.
Yeah, great work. I especially like how the saber blade isn't the standard light blue, but looks deeper and colder, more 'scary'. :>
Ahola Mercy!
Massive apologies for the lateness of getting back to you on this.. I've been pretty busy and didn't get the time to come back here for a bit. Man, that is pretty awesome! I love it!
A little bit of backstory for some of you wondering about the name. As some of you have rightly pointed out, it is Finnish. Not that I am Finnish, its just that if you put words into an English-Finnish translator, you come out with some really cool, exotic sounding names. The original translation, well, the word I typed into the translator, was Maverick. Although I didn't use the first words given to me.. the systran translator gave me multiple options. Omapainen Yksilo sounded the coolest. Of course, Maverick pretty much does mean stubborn individual, and suits the character well. Thanks to the poster for that above more literal translation.