Penal Colony Map

Requested by Tossk
This is a map of a penal colony. Major building and facilites are the only things detailed on the map. Many buildings that are smaller than able to show are here as well, such as small cottages built near the farms by criminals serving sentences for less severe crimes. This is a fully functioning penal colony, and as such, is self sustaining. Food, clothing, industry, etc. are all done by prisoners that are part of the colony.
For the history buffs, or those from that neck of the world (Rev!) they would be interested to know that I loosely based this on Port Arthur, one of the largest penal colonies of Australia. Land and layout is different, but the types of facilities and operations that they had are reflected here, including an homage to the Isle of the Dead.

Medium: Adobe Illustrator


Member since: 2007
Metropolis, IL, United States