Shard Slicer

This is a Shard Slicer for the Spec Forces Sourcebook. The original assignment I recieved was for a Shard in the body of a protocal droid, but when I found out that the Shards are crystaline beings that can mentally control droids, I figured, what the hell... If I could have a droid for a body, then I'd have a combat droid! So I came up with this design with the twin blasters. The armored pod over the shoulder isn't a weapon, it's actually a computer mainframe and tech pack that allows him/her ('s a crystal) to interface with just about any computer and robotic system he/she may encounter, and is hundreds of times more powerful than any ordinary datapad.
Now If I could just get my GM to let me play one...

Medium: Pencil, Pen, Photoshop


Member since: 2007
Bronx, New York USA
