

Profile picture for user Darthraziel
Fairlawn, OH, USA
Pen, Pencil, Marker, PC

I've been making art since I was a very small child. It's gone from lumpy clay people, to not-so-lumpy clay people, all the way to computer-enhanced drawings of dangerous droids and shifty sentients.

I first saw Star Wars as a very little kid. I believe it was in a dollar theater. I remember thinking "WOW" as Luke an Liea swung over the chasm in te first Death Star. I was hooked. Loads of rather sub-par fan art ensued.

A few years later, I started to Role-Play. It was at first DnD, but as fun as thatwas, it was the West End Game's SWRPG thatgot me hooked. I played as everything- a nieve crystal spider, a wookie tech with unbeleveable bad luck(he ended up mostly shaved by the end of most games), an R2 unit with a voicebox, a bolted-on arm, and a blaster... Good Fan Art followed.

Now I'm all grown up, and I want to share my Star Wars vision with other dreamer. Star Wars, and the SWRPG, have always been a great inspiration for me. Good Guys and Bad, strange beings, hi-tech that's dirty and used, and (my faorite!) a mystical energy field called The Force.

"Wow" indeed.