Young Miralukan/Arkanian Jedi


Member since: 2007

Request by Phyrefli...

"What I'm looking for is a picture of a Male Miralukan, with traces of Arkanian blood on him. He's young (about 20-21), but wise beyond his years. His Arkanian heritage lends him milky-white eyes that do not function, as his Miralukan blood gives him force-sight.

As far as other physical details go, his hair is a silvery-platinum blond. He wears black clothes, in a conservative style. He's on the lean side, but not herion-chic or anything.

Attitude-wise: he's very cool and collected, almost to a fault. It's hard to get him to show emotion, but there is a definite air of peaceful enlightenment. Although he's a jedi, he eschews lightsabers as tools of violence, and rarely carries anything except a bag of marbles. He is a pacifist, mediator, and diplomat. He's not naive, though, and practices a soft form of martial arts similar to aikido and tai chi.

I've always pictured him as having a soft face, with a slight smile that shows he can see the problems in your soul, but accepts you anyway."



I haven't heard anything from Phyrefli about this one, but he did put the request in a couple of weeks ago.
If I don't hear anything for another week I'll upload it to the gallery anyway.


Hi Mercy,

I'm sorry I didn't post earlier, I've been out of town for the last several days.

I really like your take on him. Though I never imagined him in a business suit, it makes a certain sort of sense, especially if he's dealing with higher-end dignitaries and the like.

The facial expression is right on. I like the tilt of the head. It adds to a kind of "I know what you're thinking" pose.

Having his hand fidgeting with a marble is awesome, too. What a perfect way to bring that aspect in.

I was wondering if you'd be willing to alter two things:

Could you add more black to the clothes (think Regis Filbin's black coat, black silk tie combo), and perhaps change the collared shirt for something with a straight Beatles-style collar?

I know it's a good piece when my only requests are nit-picks about the clothes. I'm really impressed.

If you'd like to title the piece something else, his name is "Podwin Milawbi" but that's not important to me.



Oh, by the way, I agree: he does have a David Bowie look to him, and I love it!


Cool, I'll see if I can have a bit of a play with the clothes and come back to you. So glad you like him!


I've made a few simple alterations - is this the sort of thing you're looking for?


Ooh. I like that. It adds a lot of softness to reduce those collar angles. This is very good, thank you.

If there is anything you can think of that might add that extra "touch of softness" to him, that'd be great! Otherwise, the pic is already very awesome.



Not much I can think of off the top of my head, but if you like I can leave it until the weekend to upload to the gallery, that way if you think of anything you can let me know.
~ Mercy


Nope. I just looked it over again, and I am really impressed by your work, and willingness to alter those things for me.

Thank you very much. Go ahead and upload it whenever you want. I love it!
