Akran Von Armillion
Akran Von Armillion, the roguish gambler / Force user who wears the mask of a modrol, as requested by sanytreal. He has the Three of Staves in his hand as he uses the holoprojector to communicate with someone offscreen.
Digital pencils, inks and colors.
I love the costume design on this one Hish. :)
Great work Hish, I think this may be my favorite piece of yours. Outstanding!
Ooo yeah. I particularly like how the yellow-orange trim on the custome design sort of frames the figure. Nice work, Hish!
- Just another ghost in the holocron.
Very nice job, thank you so much. The lighting effects (especially on the hair) are very well done.
Thanks, everyone.
Hishgraphics: A View From The Tenth Freaking Floor