Digital - help getting started

I've been keeping pretty close tabs on this site almost since the beginning, but I've never contributed. I just haven't had the gift for hand-drawn art. I've been thinking about giving digital a try, though, and I'd like some advice on how to break into that. I'm an engineer by profession, so I'm pretty familiar with 3D CAD software (especially Solid Works), and I tinkered with Poser a while back, but I was frustrated by how long it took before I felt like I could create anything of my own.

I know a few of the artists here do some pretty amazing things with 3D software, so I'm hoping some of you will have some suggestions on how to get started with this. I'm looking for a software package that is easy to use, but flexible enough that I can start creating original stuff right away. Also, general tips on how to work and create in 3D would be appreciated. Thanks!


Well if you don't know any 3D software, it will take some time to learn them. However there is a program called ZBrush that can do some pretty amazing things. It's a hybrid 2D painting / 3D modeling program. The 3D aspect of the program is more like sculpting than modeling.

Here are some examples of Zbrush art…