Jace Maverick, Swashbuckler
A private request by Jegergryte for his campaign, Jace Maverick is a swashbuckler with a vibrorapier and a charming smile.
Check out Jegergryte's Cubicle for more Star Wars EotE stats and stuff.
A private request by Jegergryte for his campaign, Jace Maverick is a swashbuckler with a vibrorapier and a charming smile.
Check out Jegergryte's Cubicle for more Star Wars EotE stats and stuff.
I really dig this one, he has sort of the Classic pulp Space Opera like a salute to say Flash Gordan. Jace has a fan in me! =)
Oh man that oufit is fantastic!
He can buckle my swashes... eh? eh?
How many swashes can a swashbuckler buckle, if a swashbuckler could buckle swashes?
Wasn't that one of those songs from an old PBS Shows from our childhood? *Wink-wink*
Way cool Hisham!!! Theres a few sectors That this piece would fit in very well... Chivalry, fuedal system, and light-foils and vibro-rapiers!
The Tapani sector, most likely.
Ahah, yeah the Tapani sector... I've been out of fluent daily dosees of sw for way too long :p