Request by: wolverine.
This starfighter was difficult to get my head around. The TIE wings are actually s-foils which retract into three solid wings at 0, 120, and 240 degrees. Working out how they closed without looking a little obscure was the main problem. Finally I decided that they would be on runners around the gyroscopic ring.
Medium: Preliminary Pencil Work, Computer Graphics
العاب تلبيس
Great job doody
العاب طبخ
fgdf jjhh dfsd 23523 kkgsdfgsdf
العاب اكشن
lkjkjhhhg asdfnfg nbgfdnjdf 345 fg df g df
العاب ماريو
fdgdfgdfg 43534 rgjdfjgjdfjg gfsdgdfgh
العاب باربي
346346 fgdfgfd asdas asnabdbsdg jkhjlkijl;kj
παιχνιδια για κοριτσια
fghdfh fdhdf9845645 dfhdhy5tgfhgv
sdfgsdfg4645 ghfgth