Garen Starfall, Elite Mandalorian Supercommando

This is a requested piece for Topgun220 of his elite Mandalorian Supercommando (and "future Mandalore"), Garen Starfall.

Garen is coolheaded not rushing into battle blindly and rarely allowing his emotions to control his actions. He is secluded, few people know him outside his armor, both his physical and emotional armor. As a commander he never asks anything of his troops he wouldn't hesitate to do himself and he always fights alongside the soldiers he leads. He is a very cunning, determined, and skilled opponent. He uses an array of weapons most notably his dual blasters which feature nice shiny blades under the barrels for close in combat. Garen is also extremely tough, known to take damage like a tank and continue to fight even fight with more intensity. He is a vetran of many battles and has proven himself a true leader and fearsome warrior, he has lost most of his friends and comrades in battle. Some died in his arms as he could do nothing to save them. He has been through a lot and its wearing on him.

MEDIA: Pencil, pen & ink, and Adobe Photoshop.


Member since: 2007
Buffalo, NY, United States