Never Give Up

So, I whipped this up on Paint. Here we have ARC Sgt Cutter being interrogaited and his thoughts. 

Anyway, so, just wanted to let y'all know I'm still alive and drawing and totally haven't been overrun with unfinished pictures and the lil voices of my characters begging me to write when I have no inspiration and all that good stuff! I have a TON of art but the pics I took of it are over 1MB and SWAG wont let me upload them xD good times right? Anyway :P , so, yeah, doubt many really remember/know me, but anyway, Kasni here with (hopefuly) more new/resent/old/and-everything-in-between-and-all-that-jazz art to come if I can actaully get around to it cause ya know, I'm a procrastinator and we always unite tomarrow! 
