Che Rohn, Cathar Thief

A private request by Jegergryte for his campaign, Che Rohn is a Cathar thief. He wields a Merr-Sonn Quick6 blaster pistol with a grappling hook launcher attachment and a wrist-mounted dart shooter.

Check out Jegergryte's Cubicle for more Star Wars EotE stats and stuff.


Tee hee hee 'cat burglar'!

But this is great- love the mood, the textures, and the lighting! Is that the Star Wars equivalent of a police chopper with search lights going on there?

Lord Cygnus

The same type of shuttle that carried Darth Varder to the 2nd Death Star? This is excently done my friend, I love it!


Member since: 2007
Kangar, Malaysia